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Skin Inflammation/Swollen Feet

Inflammation is a natural reaction where your body will respond to an injury or irritation. The natural reaction process brings increased blood flow to the specific area and this results in an accumulation of fluid.
As the body mounts this protective response, the symptoms of inflammation develop. These include: Swelling. It is common during injury but also during pregnancy.

Elim Spa Products MediHeel Skin Inflammation
Elim Spa Products MediHeel Skin Inflammation

Elevating the feet above the heart is important and  drinking plenty of water is essential when experiencing swelling of the feet. You can use the Elim Spa Additive in your foot bath with cold water. Apply the Elim UltraMud to the feet and wrap in a cold towel and rest.  Rinse after 30 minutes. The feet can then be massaged with the Elim Foot Perfector.
It is important to reduce salt intake when you suffer from foot inflammation.


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